Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Tersesat di Alam Liar, Pria Ini Minum Air Seninya

Seorang pemuda Inggris yang sempat tersesat di padang Australia selama tiga hari akhirnya ditemukan oleh tim penyelamat. Pemuda bernama Sam Woodhead itu mengaku sempat meminum air seninya sendiri untuk dapat bertahan hidup.

Awalnya Sam hanya ingin melakukan olahraga lari di sekitar areal peternakan tempat ia bekerja. Namun ia justru malah tersesat dan tidak bisa menemukan jalan untuk pulang.

Sam baru bekerja di peternakan yang terletak di Negara Bagian Queensland tersebut, selama kurang dari dua minggu. Hal itu membuatnya belum terlalu mengenal wilayah sekitar tempatnya bekerja.

Missing: Sam Woodhead, 18, from Richmond, south-west London, went for a run on Tuesday and hasn't been seen since

Pemuda berusia 18 tahun itu kemudian ditemukan dalam kondisi yang memprihatinkan oleh helikopter milik tim penyelamat. Ia pun langsung dibawa ke rumah sakit setempat untuk mendapatkan perawatan.

“Dia kini berada dalam kondisi yang cukup baik. Namun darah dan ginjalnya masih belum dalam kondisi yang normal,” ujar ibu Sam, Claire Derry, seperti dikutip Sky News, Senin (18/2/2013).

“Ia sempat meminum cairan pembersih kontak lensa untuk mencegah dehidrasi. Namun ketika cairan itu habis ia pun mencoba meminum air seninya sendiri,” lanjut sang ibu.

Petugas kepolisian yang menemukan Sam pun memperingatkan para pendatang di wilayah itu untuk tidak pergi terlalu jauh agar tidak tersesat. Selain kondisi alam yang keras para pendatang yang tersesat juga akan menghadapi keadaan cuaca yang sangat panas.

“Saya harap kejadian ini menjadi pelajaran, jangan pernah menganggap kerasnya cuaca dan kondisi alam di Australia secara enteng, khususnya di daerah pedalaman yang terpencil,” pungkas petugas kepolisian Queensland, Mike Curtin.(faj)

Saved: Sam Woodhead is pictured in a helicopter as medical staff prepare to have him airlifted to Longreach Hospital earlier today
Saved: Sam Woodhead is pictured in a helicopter as medical staff prepare to have him airlifted to hospital

Safe: Sam Woodhead is helped to the search helicopter by rescuers this morning
Safe: Sam Woodhead is helped to the search helicopter by rescuers

Missing: Sam Woodhead, 18, from Richmond, south-west London, went for a run on Tuesday and hasn't been seen sinceRescued: Sam Woodhead, 18, from Richmond, south-west London, went for a run on Tuesday and disappeared

Fly to safety: Sam is taken to the waiting chopper, ending his three-day ordeal
Fly to safety: Sam is taken to the waiting chopper, ending his three-day ordeal

The British backpacker had kept himself alive by drinking contact lens solution, said his mother
The British backpacker had kept himself alive by drinking contact lens solution, said his mother

Aspirational: Sam had travelled to Australia around four weeks ago to work as a ranch hand which he hoped would help him with his training to be an Army officer
Aspirational: Sam had travelled to Australia around four weeks ago to work as a ranch hand which he hoped would help him with his training to be an Army officer

Close family: Sam in the London 2012 Olympic stadium with Rebecca and mother Claire, who has flown out to Australia to help with the search effort
Close family: Sam in the London 2012 Olympic stadium with sister Rebecca and mother Claire, who flew out to Australia to help with the search effort
Doing everything they can: Sam with his mother and sister in front of the Empire State Building in New York. The family have paid for an extra helicopter with night vision equipment to be drafted in to join the search 


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